All posts by: Frank Correa

Guantánamo, 1963. Escritor y periodista independiente. Ha obtenidos diferentes premios internacionales en literatura y periodismo, entre los que destacan el Concurso Novelas de Gavetas Franz Kafka, organizado por Libriti Prohibiti de la República checa y los premios de reportaje Emilio Alejandro Núñez 2015 y el Hypermedia 2016, en España. Es miembro de la Unión de Escritores y Artistas de Cuba.

Antonio Won’t Give Up, Either!

  By all means, the feat of U.S. swimmer Diana Nyad, who succeeded in swimming across the Florida Straits, is an event deserving global recognition. In her fifth attempt to cross the strait, Nyad has finally fulfilled her dream: she managed to swim 110 miles without a shark cage and having to struggle with jellyfish. […] Read more

A Surrealist Island

As the world sees it, Cuba seems to have emerged from the realm of surrealism. Why compare it to the literary and artistic movement founded in France at the beginning of the 20th century? Because surrealist works were often reproved for being incomprehensible, irrational expressions of objective reality, just as articles written by Cuban independent […] Read more