
New Issue of Cuba Europe Dialogues

It has been an eventful six months in Cuba. Hundreds of thousands of Cubans are facing the reality that their guaranteed lifetime employment is likely coming to an end if the planned economic reforms move forward. Tens of political prisoners, including the majority of the remaining “75” prisoners of conscience from the Black Spring, have been released […] Read more

The Life of Political Prisoners in Cuba

He was meant to be just another prisoner who happened to die – after all, it is a well-known fact that these things happen. The death of political prisoner Orlando Zapata Tamayo, however, drove another wedge into the crumbling wall of the Cuban regime. And it seems that the wedge has gone in quite deep […] Read more

Cuba, Jail and those Chosen to be Forgotten

Madrid – The first one that forgets the murderer is the victim. He forgets it all. The sound of the shot in the head of the Russian journalist Anna Politkovskaya would be her last memory. The bang and the nothingness. The duty, of neither forgetting her nor her executioners, falls on all of us, just […] Read more

History Will Condemn Them

Honorable members of the Inter-American Human Rights Commission of the OAS: For us, it is an honor to be able to be her today to share with you, in particular, the situation of unionists that find themselves detained today in Cuba, as well as the situation of all Cuban political prisoners in general. Only 8 months […] Read more

How Much Time Is Six Years?

In Cuba, the relativity of time has been confirmed. Fifty years has flown by and six years feels like an eternity. Only 50 years of the Revolution have passed and, but according to ours leaders on January 1st, they are counting on there being 50 more. Clearly, it should be asked of each Cuban how […] Read more